Send a special greeting to your loved one printed directly on the label of the candle of your choice! Select from several greetings such as "Thank You Mom," "Happy Birthday," "Congratulations," "Happy Anniversary," "Happy Valentine's Day", "I Love You", "Thank You," "Thinking of You," "Welcome Home" and more! Custom messages are available, select "Custom" in the drop-down menu for Greetings and type your message in the comments/notes section at checkout. You can select any message/fragrance this way. If your order is non-local, please always message us prior to ordering for an estimated delivery time. We cannot guarantee delivery prior to holidays or special events with the mail services, so order early.
- Wax is a blend of soy and food grade paraffin
- 7 oz. (198g)
- The Warm Amber Collection comes in an approximately 3-1/2" tall by 2-3/4" diameter amber glass jar with a matte black metal lid
- Lead-free cotton wick
- Jars and lids may vary slightly due to COVID supply chain issues.
Please see our Candle Care & Safety Instructions before burning your candle. Click HERE to go to our Care & Safety Instructions page.